Silver Diamine Fluoride Treatment

Silver Diamine Fluoride Treatment

Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) is an antimicrobial liquid that is used on cavities to stop or interrupt the progression of tooth decay.  It works by killing the cavity-causing bacteria, and can also be used to treat tooth sensitivity.

Silver nitrate was used in Japan around 1000 AD to cosmetically blacken teeth!

For small cavities, SDF may be the only treatment required. For larger cavities,  where the tooth is damaged, a filling may still be required. In other situations, SDF application may be just the first step of longer-term treatment.  Because it interrupts the progression of decay, it is often used to prevent more damage to the tooth and allow staggering of dental care, sometimes even avoiding the need for root canal treatment in the future.

The major benefit of SDF is that it is quick and simple to apply with no need for anesthetic. The affected areas of the teeth are dried and a small amount of SDF is placed on decayed areas.  After a minute, the excess SDF is rinsed off and removed.  Like other fluorides, SDF also strengthens the tooth to prevent new decay.  SDF may not always stop decay after one treatment and may need to be reapplied every month for 2-3 months, then annually after that.

One of the main drawbacks of SDF is that the area of tooth decay will stain black permanently and may be very visible. Healthy areas will not stain. Tooth-coloured fillings and crowns may also stain when SDF is applied.  For this reason, SDF is only used in specific applications where aesthetics are less important.

Other side effects of SDF may include temporary brown or white stains on the skin,  gums or clothing and a temporary metallic taste after treatment.

SDF treatment may be appropriate for:

  • Children with decayed baby teeth that will soon be lost
  • Very young children who cannot yet cooperate for dental care
  • Elderly people with active root surface decay
  • People with severe decay risk due to dry mouth from medications or chemotherapy
  • People whose treatment will be delayed or need to be completed over a long period of time
  • People for whom other dental treatments are too challenging or not possible
  • Where aerosol-generating procedures (AGPs) are unable to be performed
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SDF treatment may not be appropriate for people with:

  • Aesthetic concerns about the staining of decay
  • Painful sores or raw areas in the mouth
  • A silver allergy
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